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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

How to Control Diabetes Lifestyle Modification

How to Control Diabetes Lifestyle Modification and Diet Tips to Keep Your Blood Sugars in Control. Diabetes is a disease in which body cells have abnormalities in the process of converting blood sugar into energy. When sugar is not use, blood sugar levels rise higher

Coconut water and that time of the month

Coconut water and that time of the month. Girls who love drinking coconut water with all their hearts would not happy if someone told them, “Don’t even think about drinking. While you’re menstruating. Oh… didn’t you know. That is a taboo for those who are

Benefits of Exercise

Benefits of Exercise Exercising completely results in a healthy body, far from various diseases. You have to do both strength and endurance. It will be even better if your heart and muscles have increased endurance as well. This will help you not get tired easily,

Acne marks, scars and acne scars How did it happen?

Acne marks, scars, or acne scars It is caused by the fact that when you have acne and treat it with pressure, it will cause the tissue cells to be destroyed. The capillaries on the skin break. Inflammation occurs In addition, the surface of the

Order beautiful skin with “6 vitamins”

Hello ladies, they say that having healthy skin is more valuable than gold. Girls, do you see it together? How can I not say this? Because this is a true story that girls of any era must definitely dream of and yearn for. Especially having

9 herbs to relieve toothache

How to relieve toothache Who said you always have to take medicine? Try using these herbs to help relieve symptoms. Guaranteed to work!  Oh… Toothache ! Anyone who has never experienced this kind of symptom will never know exactly how painful it is. Even though sometimes the

“Ankle injury” symptoms, causes and treatment methods

“Ankle injury” symptoms, causes and treatment methods. ankles and feet It is another important organ that allows humans to walk, stand, and run with stability. Each person’s feet are different and have unique characteristics. The structure of the foot adapts through use and activity. Foot injuries that each person

5 easy ways to make your skin white and bright. No matter

5 easy ways to make your skin white and bright. No matter how much you’re exposed to the sun, you’re not afraid of it getting dark. For girls who want to have white, beautiful, radiant, flawless skin, look no further. Because this article has collected the best tips. to